Oh lovely Dr Chatterjee! It’s high time I quote you!
Let me tell you something special about him: I’m truly grateful to him because he started me off on my journey of, let’s call it 'self care' … To be completely honest, it was my GP actually, who recommended his book to me. We were talking over the phone when I frantically tried to jot down everything she had to say. She told me about this “strategy” of the 4-pillar-plan. After the conversation I googled it, only to discover that the “strategy” is actually a human being, a GP, Dr Rangan Chatterjee, who wrote this book. So I bought his book, and then the next one and the next one… I started listening to his podcast: Feel Better Live More. He introduced me to numerous interesting people and professionals during the years. Some of them I’ve quoted already. Next year he’s going on tour and I’m so looking forward to seeing him; got the tickets already of course…
In his first book, The 4 Pillar Plan, he talks about how to: relax, eat, move and sleep. Surprisingly, the first pillar is ‘Relax’. Relaxing is usually something that we do only ‘if we have time’ … which can be tricky for someone, who fills up every single minute of their day, trying to be effective and helpful and useful and busy (sounds too familiar) … giving ourselves fifteen minutes a day when we do whatever we want to do to slow down (without our devices, alone), seems selfish perhaps … but, as he says “simply setting aside little moments every day can make a massive difference to your health”. It can help switch off our overactive stress response, has a positive impact on our digestive system, immune system and so on.
Fifteen minutes a day, when you do whatever you want to do: going for a walk, reading a book or magazine, having a bath, painting, dancing, singing, yoga, gardening or simply sitting in a coffee shop with a cuppa.
I encourage you to give yourself time…
Now it only feels apt to invite you to my FREE event, PAUSE on Tue 10th December, 7.30pm.
Message me to book your place or click on: pausewithchilli.eventbrite.co.uk
But before that: What would YOU do in Your 15 minutes?
Much Love,
